How Can I Tell If My Child Needs Chiropractic Care?

It may seem strange to consider chiropractic care for kids. After all, children seldom complain of pain the way adults do and their bodies are like rubber when it comes to bouncing back from injuries.

However, a misaligned spine can affect kids of all ages and they may need treatment just as much as adults. Here are some signs that your child may benefit from a visit to the chiropractor.

Sleep Issues

Newborns are often not able to get the restful sleep they need due to problems with their spine or cranium. They can also experience digestive issues, colic and other developmental delays that may stem from spinal misalignments. The good news is that chiropractic can help address these problems and give infants a better chance of getting the sleep they need to grow healthy and strong.

Many parents don’t realize their baby or toddler needs chiropractic care because they do not have the symptoms of a misalignment like adults do. However, the fact is that young children can suffer from just as much spinal and structural damage as adults. This is because their bodies are in a state of constant motion and healing and require maintenance to function properly.

For example, the birth process is a highly stressful event for an infant and can cause many forms of spinal trauma. Even if a child’s birth is considered “normal”, they can still suffer from an estimated 60-90 lbs of force applied to their neck during delivery, which can cause spinal misalignments. These misalignments can have a direct impact on the nervous system and subsequently affect the overall body function.

A common problem with newborns is that they cannot digest food efficiently and this can be a result of a misalignment in the upper cervical spine (atlas). This area is critical for allowing the diaphragm to move freely, which helps with digestion. A chiropractor can adjust the atlas and help the digestive system function more efficiently.

Another reason a newborn or infant may need chiropractic care is if they are experiencing frequent ear infections. These conditions are often the result of an infection in the ear canal that is caused by fluid that builds up and does not drain effectively. The gentle adjustments performed by a chiropractor can improve the flow of the ear’s drainage system and reduce the frequency and severity of infections in the ear canal.

Lastly, an adjustment can improve the immune system function in infants by eliminating subluxations that interfere with proper neurological function. This can help to prevent a wide range of illnesses in babies and toddlers.

Digestive Issues

Bringing kids to the chiropractor may seem like an odd idea. After all, aren’t the majority of back pain sufferers elderly individuals? The truth is, chiropractic treatment is appropriate for people of all ages. In fact, introducing children to the practice at a young age can set them up for a lifetime of good health and optimum spinal function.

Babies and young children may benefit from Backwoods Chiropractic – Claremore Chiropractic care due to digestive issues. The digestive system is completely controlled by the nervous system, which means that misalignments in the spine can impact its proper functioning. If your child has problems with digestion such as reflux, constipation, or stomach pain, chiropractic care can help to ease these symptoms.

Poor digestion can cause sleep issues, as well. Many children will struggle to get the recommended amount of sleep if they have a digestive issue. This is because the body needs to rest in order to restore and recharge. Additionally, if a child is not getting enough sleep, they can become irritable and act out as a result.

Spinal misalignments can also affect the ability to digest food and absorb nutrients. When this happens, the body cannot break down proteins and fats properly, which can lead to malnutrition and other digestive problems. Chiropractic adjustments can correct these misalignments, which will then allow the digestive system to work as it should.

When babies and young children have digestive problems, they often cry for hours on end. This is known as colic, and it can be incredibly stressful for parents. However, studies have shown that 9 out of 10 infants with colic see improvement within a few weeks of receiving chiropractic care.

In addition to digestive problems, children may need chiropractic care for other health concerns, such as poor posture, frequent ear infections, and asthma. Children and teens that receive regular chiropractic adjustments are more likely to have healthy immune systems, which can fight off illnesses and infections more effectively. Additionally, chiropractic treatment enhances the body’s drainage system, which can help to alleviate ear infections. As the teen years approach, many children will start to develop bad posture, which can lead to back and neck pain. However, gentle chiropractic adjustments can improve this issue, allowing the body to move more freely and reduce discomfort.

Developmental Delays

Many parents find it hard to believe that their children need chiropractic adjustments. After all, kids are resilient and seem to bounce back from injury like they’re made of rubber. But a child’s body undergoes enormous stress throughout development, which can lead to spinal misalignment and nervous system dysfunction. Chiropractic adjustments help to restore the spine’s function and allow the body to perform at its best.

The first sign that your child needs a chiropractic adjustment is when they complain of pain. This is especially common in kids that spend a lot of time on their devices. A chiropractor can gently adjust the neck to release the stiffness and improve their posture. This can also help to reduce the frequency of migraines and other headaches in children.

Another common sign is when your kid has trouble sleeping. This can be due to a number of factors, but it may be caused by poor posture or tight muscles in the hips, shoulders and spine. A gentle chiropractic adjustment can relieve the tension and improve posture, which in turn allows them to sleep better.

A third sign that your child needs a chiropractic adjustment concerns emotional and psychological issues. If your child is frequently anxious or depressed, it’s likely due to a disruption in the nervous system. The nervous system controls everything from blood flow to brain function and bone growth. If your child’s nervous system is not functioning properly, it can impact their mood and cause problems with learning and behavior.

When your child’s spine is in alignment, their immune system can function at its best. This is especially important for young children who are more susceptible to viruses and sickness. A regular trip to the chiropractor can help ensure that your child’s immune system is working at full capacity and putting up a strong fight against illness.

Many people think that chiropractic is only for adults with life-altering back and neck injuries. However, the nervous system can be compromised at any age, and it’s important to keep it healthy throughout childhood. Chiropractic can be the ideal way to do this, as it is a drug-free approach to restoring proper health and well-being.


There are many signs that a child may need chiropractic care due to pain. For instance, if the child is constantly wincing or if they are having trouble falling asleep this could be due to spinal misalignment and can be resolved with chiropractic adjustments. Similarly, if the child is having difficulty latching during breastfeeding or they are favoring one side over the other this can also be due to neck rotation and can be helped with chiropractic adjustments. Other common issues that children with poor posture may experience include stomach problems (such as colic), ear infections, headaches and asthma.

A good chiropractor will be able to detect the slightest changes in the spine and nerves that can cause these symptoms which is why it is important for parents to pay attention to these signs. In addition to detecting spinal problems, chiropractors will be able to provide treatment to help reduce the pain and irritation caused by these issues which will ultimately lead to better overall health and wellness in the child.

If you are noticing any of these signs in your child it would be wise to contact a chiropractor who specializes in pediatrics. They are well trained to work with children and can help you set up a plan to get them the chiropractic care they need.

As babies and children develop they are resilient and flexible and will often be able to adapt to the minor adjustments their bodies require without much difficulty. However, these compensations can build up over time and lead to serious problems if left untreated such as back or neck pain, digestive issues, tummy discomfort, sleep disturbances, developmental delays, and even ear infections and asthma.

Chiropractic is a safe and effective form of medical treatment that can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions in infants and children as well as adults. It works by improving the flow of communication between the brain and the body, leading to improved health and wellness in children and adults. This is especially important because it is a natural way to improve the body’s ability to function and heal itself without the use of medications or artificial methods such as surgery.

It may seem strange to consider chiropractic care for kids. After all, children seldom complain of pain the way adults do and their bodies are like rubber when it comes to bouncing back from injuries. However, a misaligned spine can affect kids of all ages and they may need treatment just as much as adults.…