What is Website Analytics and Tracking?

Web analytics is the process of tracking user behavior on a website to make data-informed decisions. It can help businesses optimize their websites and online marketing strategies.

Web analytics can be used to track metrics such as pageviews, conversions, and traffic sources. However, there are many other metrics that can be tracked with web analytics tools.


Pageviews are a key website metric that indicate how often your content is being seen by visitors. These metrics are important for assessing user engagement and understanding the effectiveness of your site’s content. However, you should look at other metrics in conjunction with pageviews to get a full picture of your audience’s behavior.

There are several different ways to measure website traffic, including unique page views (UPVs), pages/session, and users. Unique page views are the number of times that a single visitor loads a webpage on your site. This metric is more accurate than the traditional “hits” statistic, which only measures the number of requests for files like images, JS, and CSS files.

A website’s pageviews can be affected by various factors, such as caching and CDN delivery. This can result in skewed data and inaccurate pageview counts. It is important to understand how these factors can affect your pageviews, and to consider alternative tracking methods to ensure that your website’s analytics data is accurate.

Page views are a useful metric for measuring overall website traffic, but they do not tell you what users are doing on your site. For example, if you have a lot of page views but few conversions, this may indicate that your content is not engaging enough or that your audience cannot find the information they need.

Additionally, it is important to differentiate between page views and visits. Page views are the number of times a web page is loaded on a browser, while visits are the total number of sessions a single user engages in with your site. If a user loads three pages, it will count as three page views, but only one visit. 


Website conversions are important metrics that indicate how well a website is performing. They can also be used to analyze user behavior and identify areas for improvement. Digital marketing professionals use these metrics to determine the effectiveness of their advertising tactics and improve user experience on their websites. They can also analyze competitor data to see how they stack up against them. SIG Digital set up analytics tools to monitor your website's performance, track user behavior, and provide insights for continuous improvement. Visit SIG Digital at https://www.sig-digital.com/ for more information about the services they offer.

A conversion is an action that takes a visitor one step closer to becoming a customer. It can be a purchase, a form submission, or a newsletter sign-up. However, it is not always easy to determine the right actions to track. Some conversions are more valuable than others, and some may have a negative effect on the user experience. To make the most of conversion tracking, businesses should focus on improving the overall experience.

To maximize your website’s performance, you need to know your audience. This includes the demographics of your visitors, their interests, and how they interact with your site. This will help you understand why some pages have a higher conversion rate than others. For example, a website with long page loads will not appeal to most users and will decrease your conversion rate.

The best way to increase website conversions is to create content that resonates with your target audience. This can be done by creating relevant, engaging blog posts, videos, and social media content. It is also important to keep the website up-to-date, as outdated information can turn off potential customers. In addition, it is important to optimize the website for mobile devices. This will increase the number of conversions and sales while reducing the time spent on your website.

Traffic sources

A website's traffic sources are the channels through which visitors reach a business's website. They can include organic search, paid search, social media, email marketing and referrals from other websites. Traffic sources are important to analyze because they help businesses understand how users arrive at their sites and which channels are working best. They can also help businesses optimize their content and improve marketing campaigns based on user behavior and trends.

Google Analytics offers a variety of reports that can be used to identify traffic sources. These include the Audience report, Acquisition report, and the Pages per session metric. Each report provides different insights into visitor engagement and is useful in identifying areas for improvement. For example, a high number of pages per session may indicate that users are engaged with the site and find it easy to navigate. However, a low page count may suggest that visitors aren't finding what they're looking for or that the website is difficult to navigate.

Another metric that is often overlooked is the number of new visitors. New visitors are unique individuals who have not visited the website before. The New visitors metric is an essential metric for measuring the success of your website. It is important to note that this metric is distinct from the number of sessions, as each visitor will have multiple visits over a period of time.

Referral traffic is a significant source of website traffic and can be a result of advertising on other websites or links from trusted websites. The Referral traffic channel is a good indicator of the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. However, it is important to keep in mind that this metric can be skewed by bot traffic. Bot traffic is a form of artificial traffic that is generated by computer programs. This type of traffic can be difficult to track and eliminate.

Time spent on site

Time spent on site is one of the most important metrics to track for your website. This metric gives you valuable insight into how long visitors are engaging with your content and how they’re finding it. This metric can help you make informed marketing decisions, including what content to produce and how to optimize your site.

The metric measures the amount of time that a user spends on a single page or blog post. It is calculated as the time a page is visible to a visitor, divided by the number of pages viewed. The resulting figure is an average, and is based on data collected by web analytics tools. However, this metric does not take into account whether a user clicked on any other sites or pages while visiting your site.

Another key metric to track is the unique visits metric. This metric is different from average session duration in that it doesn’t include exits or bounces. It is also calculated by using timestamps, which means that if a user spends five minutes reading a page and then immediately opens a new tab or clicks on a different link, it will only count as one visit.

Many website analytics tools provide this metric, but it is not always accurate. For example, a user may return to a site on their desktop computer and again on their mobile phone, which will cause them to be counted as a new visitor each time. Also, this metric is not used by search engines like Google to determine page ranking, so it is not an indicator of how well your website is performing. Therefore, it is important to choose a tool that accurately tracks this metric.


Web analytics provides insight into user behavior that can help businesses improve the site's user experience, optimize the website's flow and navigation, and meet larger business objectives like increasing sales. In addition to quantitative data, such as page views, bounce rates, and traffic sources, web tracking also offers qualitative feedback about the website's performance.

To get the most out of website analytics, businesses should start by setting clear goals. These can be as simple as ensuring that visitors can find what they're looking for or as complex as measuring the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. By analyzing the results of these goals, businesses can make informed decisions about their next steps.

One common goal is to track user duration, which measures the time a visitor spends on a site. This is a good metric to measure because it indicates the level of engagement on your site and can lead to better optimizations. However, it's important to avoid selecting a specific time duration that most users will achieve, which strips the data of its value.

Another metric to consider is the number of returning visitors. This metric is especially important for ecommerce sites, as it shows how well your site is attracting and converting new visitors into paying customers. It can also help you identify areas of the website that need improvement.

While web tracking analytics can tell you what is happening on your website, it cannot tell you why. It's therefore essential to use it in conjunction with other metrics to understand the underlying factors that are driving user behavior. For example, a sudden drop in conversion rate could be caused by an algorithm update, seasonality, or other outside factors.

Web analytics is the process of tracking user behavior on a website to make data-informed decisions. It can help businesses optimize their websites and online marketing strategies. Web analytics can be used to track metrics such as pageviews, conversions, and traffic sources. However, there are many other metrics that can be tracked with web analytics…